
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Poets Use Of Mockery As Diction In Poem :: essays research papers

Poets Use of Mockery As Diction in Poem     The poets use of mockery as diction conveys his disappoint attitudeto struggled the men that plan the battles without actually fighting in them. developmentthe words If I were fierce, and bald, and short of lead, to describe thebig league allows the reader to picture the majors as old, fat, out of shape menthat spend their days guzzle and gulping in the best(p) hotel safe from anydanger. Fierce, bald and short of breath give the reader a negative feel forthe majors as they are not described in any positive manner. These terms shitthe reader to feel disgust for the majors. The poets use of the words guzzlingand gulping with their alliterative effect cause the reader to consider themajors as gluttons self-collected at the table. When the reader completes his mentalpicture of the majors in the best hotel, the imagery of glory hogs is complete.The poets diction choice,"Reading the Roll of Honor. Poor puppylike chap, Id study - I used toknow his father well Yes, weve lost heavy in this last scrap. " of casuallanguage attempts to make the war seem silly and nonchalant. The word "chap"conveys an casual attitude towards the heroes as people. It seems to elevatethe attitude of the majors to a false superior position. "Scrap" makes it seems asif the soldiers death occurred on a playground, not a battlefield. It seems totrivialize war in general."And when the war is done and the youth infernal region dead,Id toddle safely home and die - in bed."The poets last lines give the reader an insight into the true wishes of thesoldier. The youth stone dead allow the reader to acknowledge the finality ofdeath and the wasted lives of the young soldiers while the old, fat men arePoets Use Of Mockery As Diction In Poem essays research papers Poets Use of Mockery As Diction in Poem     The poets use of mockery as diction conveys his disillusioned attit udetoward the men that plan the battles without actually fighting in them. Usingthe words If I were fierce, and bald, and short of breath, to describe themajors allows the reader to picture the majors as old, fat, out of shape menthat spend their days guzzling and gulping in the best hotel safe from anydanger. Fierce, bald and short of breath give the reader a negative feel forthe majors as they are not described in any positive manner. These terms causethe reader to feel disgust for the majors. The poets use of the words guzzlingand gulping with their alliterative effect cause the reader to consider themajors as gluttons gathered at the table. When the reader completes his mentalpicture of the majors in the best hotel, the imagery of glory hogs is complete.The poets diction choice,"Reading the Roll of Honor. Poor young chap, Id say - I used toknow his father well Yes, weve lost heavily in this last scrap. " of casuallanguage attempts to make the war seem carefree and nonc halant. The word "chap"conveys an casual attitude towards the heroes as people. It seems to elevatethe status of the majors to a false superior position. "Scrap" makes it seems asif the soldiers death occurred on a playground, not a battlefield. It seems totrivialize war in general."And when the war is done and the youth stone dead,Id toddle safely home and die - in bed."The poets last lines give the reader an insight into the true wishes of thesoldier. The youth stone dead allow the reader to acknowledge the finality ofdeath and the wasted lives of the young soldiers while the old, fat men are

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