Sunday, January 5, 2020
Advance Practice Nursing - 1472 Words
Introduction â€Å"Advance Practice Nurse (APN) is an umbrella term given to a Registered Nurse who has acquired the expert knowledge base, complex decision-making skills and clinical competencies for extended practice†. This definition of APN was adapted from International council of Nurses’ in 2005 by Singapore nursing Board (Kannusamy, 2007). The American Association of colleges of Nursing defines advance practice nursing as licensed registered nurses prepared at the graduate level in nursing as a nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse midwife or certified registered nurse anaesthetist to provide direct patient care. (Ruel Motyka, 2009). As u can see, there are actually many different definitions for Advance†¦show more content†¦Content APN in Singapore has 3 different roles, firstly Clinical roles, where they have to assess, diagnose, prescribe diagnostic test and treatment plan within establish guidelines, to do follow up care and educations to the patients, followed by Professional roles, where they have to educate other health care worker by teaching and mentoring them, as well as, need to do research and also need to implement Evidence Based Practices, lastly Administrative Roles, which is to develop nursing specific policies and procedures and clinical leadership (MeiLing, 2009). Role of an APN in overseas consists of evaluating, diagnosing, and taking care of normal health problems patients, APN must also be able to perform and initiate diagnostic actions, prescribe medication (limited at the movement of most country) and treatments, as well as lead and coordinate health promotion, additionally, APN must be able to refer a patient to other care institutions and also must be able to register and admit patients from other care institutions, moreover, and APN should lead, evaluate, develop, and improve nursing activities as well as engage in research (Nieminen et al., 2011). The role of an APN are rather similar in both Singapore and Overseas, they must be able to assess patient, order diagnostic tests related to history of the patient, daily follow up on patient, educateShow MoreRelatedConceptual Frameworks for Advance Practice Nursing753 Words  | 4 Pagesadvanced practice nursing play an integral role in the guiding of practice, formulating educational curricula, and the overall development of the specialty. The continued evolution of advanced practice nursing has seemingly sparked numerous conceptual models influencing practice. Many models share common similarities, while each maintains their own unique characteristics specific to their developers and contributors. Ann Hamric developed Hamric’s Integrative Model of Advanced Practice Nursing in 1996Read MoreReadiness for Advance Practice Nursing Essay1229 Words  | 5 Pagescompelling journey in nursing. Although I have been a registered nurse for three years, my passion for nursing started a decade ago. 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