Thursday, November 28, 2019
Snake Of The Soul Essays - Fiction, Snakes, , Term Papers
Snake Of The Soul ?Snake? is one of Lawrence's most famous poems. Although the poem seems to be about an encounter with a snake, the true theme of the poem is the conflict between emotional behavior and learned behavior. This conflict is displayed through setting and symbolism. The poem begins with a very narrative voice and is a pleasure to read for that reason. Lawrence is exuberated in expressing his reverence for nature. In the first three stanzas of the poem the setting is established and the movement of the snake is described. The poem took place in a garden near his house because the boy was in pajamas and under the shade of ?a great dark carob-tree.? The movement of the snake is described by the alliteration of the s sound in the words straight, softly, slack, and silently. Symbolism is used throughout the poem. The garden in which the poem takes place can be a symbol of the Garden of Eden, and the snake, a symbol of the devil. A snake is a symbol of evil, but a snake is also a symbol of enlightenment and wisdom according to ancient civilizations. The snake, however, is the ultimate symbol of tension. The tension in the young boy is caused because he has to make a decision. When he encounters the snake, he is posed with the question to kill the snake or to let it leave unharmed, to act upon his human education or his instinct. While the snake is drinking at the trough, the boy's emotions are in conflict. Even though the boy was scared, he was even more honored that the snake should seek his hospitality. Once the snake started to leave, the boy's time was running out. He had to make a decision. Because of his ?accursed human education,? he decided to act in an evil way and throw a log at the snake. Does this suggest that the snake is not evil, but the so ul in man is inherently evil? Or is the snake evil because he was retreating into the evil darkness of hell symbolized by the hole in the fissure? Once the boy threw the log at the snake, he immediately regretted it, revealing ?I thought how paltry, how vulgar, what a mean act?I wish he would come back, my snake.? After the boy threw the log, he recognized the innocence of the snake noting, ?And so, I missed my chance with one of the lords/ Of life.? This illustrates man always trying to rob the dignity from all Godly creatures, and how petty it is. Through this poem, Lawrence has illustrated his point about strife and the clash of opposites. The symbols used in this poem are very ambiguous because they can be interpreted many ways. The snake can be a symbol of evil, enlightenment and wisdom, or tension. The boy battles through many emotions in this poem, finally coming to the realization that men are inherently evil. Bibliography N/A English Essays
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Mikhail Gorbachevs essays
Mikhail Gorbachevs essays One of the most dramatic and revolutionary changes in Russian history is the restriction of the consumption of alcohol. Mikhail Gorbachev instituted his anti-alcohol campaign on May 16, 1985 in order to decrease alcohol consumption by Soviet citizens and instead teach them the rewards of moderation. Some such rewards were a better life at home with their families, more advancement in their jobs, and better overall health. Although Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign was effective in generating some positive changes, it eventually failed, causing resentment toward the leadership, worsening health issues, creating illegal alcohol production markets, and increasing the budget deficit. When Gorbachev was fifteen, he went out one day with his father and his harvesting team. The mechanics decided that it would be funny to play a joke on the young boy. They gave him a drink of pure alcohol, and told him that it was vodka. He drank it, and it utterly disgusted him. This was an important lesson to him. It made him not like alcohol, therefore making him want others to stay away from it. This could have saved his nation. Gorbachev noted, "After that experience I have never felt any pleasure in drinking vodka or spirits" (Gorbachev 37). That is important because if he had liked alcohol, there most likely never would have been any anti-alcohol campaign. "Temperance was the rule in the Gorbachev household on holidays, the men might take one shot glass of vodka or cognac in celebration, no more" (Smith 38). The Gorbachev family is an example of how alcohol should have been used in Russia. They drank in moderation, as opposed to others who drank simply to get drunk and were unable to control themselves while drinking. Gorbachev wanted others to be able to drink as they did, and he tried to set a good example in order to get his point across. However, his plans didn't work out as he had suspected. "Gorbachev saw alcoholism as an offe...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How does each try to be entrepreneurial, while operating in highly Essay
How does each try to be entrepreneurial, while operating in highly challenging markets - Essay Example in the major decisions of the company (giving employees control of their work), freedom of information to the point of company transparency (so employees know how things are performing), and the institution of profit sharing (so employees care about maximizing company profits). The management systems developed from these values resulted in a company in which the employees were treated as adults who were responsible for setting their own hours, who determined their own salaries and bonuses, and who essentially became their own managers. Apple’s recently passed founder Steve Jobs brought his company from near extinction to cultural phenomenon by using tactics that appeared to be horribly out of date. According to a Fortune Magazine article (n. p.), Jobs went completely against the grain of the Silicon Valley employee-management norm by being the tyrannical boss often associated with industrial times. While other companies were getting in touch with their employees through egalitarian programs and increased freedom in the workplace, Apple was constantly under the scrutiny of the notorious micromanager Jobs (his time away from the company not withstanding) who was not above tearing a strip off an employee for any reason he saw fit. Apple employees feared for their jobs, but stayed loyal to their leader as he often made them feel as though their task (no matter how menial) was as important to the company as any other. Additionally, seeking Jobs’ approval may have paralleled a paternal relationship, adding to the motivation felt by employees. Steve Jobs was also very old school in the way he kept the company’s operations secret. Some may liken Jobs’ preferred level of information opaqueness to that of a government’s military. This technique also aided in Apple’s resurgence while operating under the odd but undeniably effective management techniques of Steve Jobs. Google is an extremely profitable business, but it has faced many challenges. A string of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Rising Cost of Obstetrics and Pre-natal Care in the U.S Research Paper
The Rising Cost of Obstetrics and Pre-natal Care in the U.S - Research Paper Example For commercial coverage, a pregnant woman to deliver by vaginal birth will incur average payments of $12,500 while for cesarean childbirth the patient has to pay $16,983. In Medicaid, payments are down: vaginal births cost $6,117 and $7,983 for cesarean births. For both Commercial and Medicaid, payments are 25% lower. Commercial insurers have a record of 100% payment than Medicaid. (Truven Health Analytics, 2013, p. 17) Payments for both vaginal and cesarean methods go to professional services, surgical fees, therapeutic fees, and so on. Payments for maternal care are higher than childbirth. These payments go to facility fees, professional fees, laboratory charges, and payments for drugs, among others. (Truven Health Analytics, 2013, p. 18) Will Affordable Care Act (ACA) solve this problem of rising cost of childbirth? The ObamaCare wants to expand the responsibilities and benefits of Medicaid by discarding the preconditions and cover more benefits for pregnant women. If the Obama ad ministration is able to fully implement the ObamaCare, then this might solve the problem. The Medicaid program can solve the problem by expanding the benefits and by strengthening its imbursement rate. One of the complaints against the Medicaid was its imbursement rate which was too low (Chua, 2006, p. 2). Enrollees had to search for private insurance to have more benefits. But if this discrepancy is corrected, then American women might change their minds. Through the Affordable Care Act, the administration has put more investments for health insurance in the amount of $10 billion annually for the next five years. The first goal is to digitize the health information system. The next step is to scratch away the... The Rising Cost of Obstetrics and Pre-natal Care in the U.S. The problem with cesarean births and the needed medicine has first to be addressed because of its high cost. The ObamaCare has also increased the coverage of Medicaid. This is one of the most significant phases of the law since Medicaid has a reputation of low imbursement rate. Added to this is the fact that it covers the poor and most vulnerable sector of society. Putting more emphasis on financing, the government can improve the performance of Medicaid and Medicare in order to improve quality of healthcare. High cost of medicine, hospitalization, and all the other allied expenses can be addressed adequately and fairly. The ObamaCare must provide immediate help to the four million childbirths every year. The cost for this human phenomenon can be lowered to ensure that our young mothers and new-born babies receive the best quality-healthcare possible. Young pregnant women don’t know where to go. The government should address this by redirecting local governments to help solve the problem. Present costs of vaginal and cesarean childbirths, from $32,093 and $51,125 respectively, have got to be reduced through government financing. The situation – that young pregnant women have nowhere to go and are struggling of the high cost of laboratory tests – can be reversed. The world must again feel that the American healthcare system is the best. That can only happen if Americans feel safe about their health.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Science in American Popular Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Science in American Popular Culture - Essay Example The popular American culture signifies contribution of all these sections. The rich, complex and yet unique American culture has major influence of European cultural patterns, particularly in language, the arts and political institutions, but it has a good share of the cultural diversity from the people of Africa, Asia, and North America as well1. Working diligently throughout the week and then spending the weekends with friends and family is one of the popular American ways of preparing oneself for the week ahead. The government too has been supporting and facilitating such system, because it is sound economics. The business will thrive only when we spend money from our kitty. The system too doesn't require complex scientific postulates; instead it works with pure interests and influences. Economic prosperity too is not a guarantee under a flourishing democracy, as we can see in cases of India and Brazil, the world's first- and fourth-largest democracies, respectively. These nations have been struggling for centuries to escape poverty. In fact, at times, the smooth correlation between politics and economics defies even the common wisdom. For example, while autocratic regimes are known to have a destabilizing effect on nation's economy, South Korea and Singapore crossed the threshold to development and prosperity under autocr atic regimes2. This further indicates that popular culture defies the scientific deduction and rational logic. It all depends on the patience and temperament of the people. America has seen maddening rush for Harry Potter series, a fictitious character, living in a fictitious world of wizard, making everything possible with his magic tricks. How does one explain this craze for Harry Potter and his brand of magic tricks The final Harry Potter book 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' is stated to have a record first day sales of 8.3 million copies3. That does not involve any science at all. J.K Rowling knew how to play with the emotions and sentiments of the people. She is a wonderful marketing professional as well and came out successful in implementing her progressive plans. An average American citizen is a peace loving person. But unfortunately, today America is involved around in many such missions which are proving to be detrimental for the popularity of American culture and its ways of life. While the search for the Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan is proving to be a big headache for the country, the Iraq venture too is proving to be a costly affai r. Carrying out massive strikes in Iraq, in search of the illusive WMDs and plunging huge manpower and resources guarding a foreign land certainly doesn't involve any science in it. It's apparently the game of power politics or is it the dual for controlling the vast oil reserves. Well, we're all waiting for the appropriate answer. President Bush has seen sharp decline in his popularity but he continues to have a firm grip on the administration and country's affairs. If we go by a pure scientific deduction then the dissatisfaction of majority of the people should have resulted in the stepping down of the President. But it is a part of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Argumentative Essay about Womens Work
Argumentative Essay about Womens Work This research paper will be focusing on why women should be allowed to work instead of staying at home. Back to the olden days, women were confined at home to be a full-time housewife and their spouse were the single bread-winner for the family. It has become a mind frame for the public that women should not be allowed to work as their primary roles were to carry out domestic role and nurture their children. However, women certainly have their hidden potentials which make them capable as the opposite sex. Women should be allowed to work. This can be proven through intensive research and analysis. Based on the research that was conducted, some discoveries were made. Foremost, working women are found to have improvised self-esteem and emotional health due to their multiple roles in everyday lives. Next, job has secured them financially to sustain life. Last of all, women have their rights to step into labour force for personal satisfaction and social necessities. People have to perceive in wider context and accept the fact that women should be allowed to work as women can mould their liv es with a sense of empowerment. Discrimination and inequality towards women should be stamped out to preserve their rights for them to unleash their concealed potentials. 2.0 Introduction Centuries ago, women were considered naturally feeble compared to men and were not allowed to perform arduous task that requires heavier labour. People in the past had the mindset that women were only restricted to domestic house chores and play their part as obedient housewife and care for their children (Womens International Centre, n.d). Shiner, (n.d.) asserted that role of women in this 21st century is largely determined and they share equivalent responsibilities with men in improving the nations. Great leader such as Queen Elizabeth I of England and Catherine the Great of Russia in the past has proven women are capable as men (Women In World History, n.d). Yassin, (2009) stated that women are equally important as men and men need to understand the importance for women to work. Mala, (2008) mentioned that working women helps to sustain the family financially and have become influential and successful as men. However, there are some men who disagree women should be allowed to work, because they think that working women pay less attention to their families (Waldfogel, 1998) or maybe they feel submissive with more successful women or maybe they think is their responsibilities to support the family and not the vice-versa (Davidmann, 2009). It is stated that working women in todays world is miracle because women have to juggle their duties as multiple roles and their presence in working field is significant (Vishen, 2007). Participation of female students in tertiary education has outnumbered the male students and if every graduated married woman is restricted to stay at home being full-time homemakers, the country will be in short of proficient and non-professional workers (Fine, Swahili and Jarjour, 2009). People who are against working women need to view in deeper context that women nowadays are more needed than men on the outside world because women now are smarter, stronger and more instructive than men (DeVeaux, 2010). It is undeniable that employed women are indeed self-seeking, tougher and intellectual in working life. However, empowered women are not trying to overpower the opposite sex but to survive through the ever-growing competitive surroundings (Shiner, 2009). Women should be allowed to work instead of staying at home as the job would improve womens self-esteem and emotional health, secure them financially and women also have their right to work. The scope of this research will center in United States of America due to the fact that this issue is rampant over there. 2.0 Body of Report 2.1 A Job Would Improve Womens Self-Esteem and Emotional Health There are parties who oppose the statement that women should be allowed to work instead of staying at home because they believe that a job will not improvise womens self-esteem and emotional health. They claimed that employed women will have added stress and they have difficulties in handling stress which eventually cause impairment of self-esteem (Lancer, 2010). Working women face tremendous stress due to multiple roles, long working hours and high demand for performance. As a result, they are subjected to poor mental concentration and depression which affect their self-esteem (Life Positive, n.d.). Helpguide, (n.d.) also approves this by saying that stress will build up problems regarding mental health and emotional health such as anxiety and sadness. Consequently womens self-esteem is lowered and they get caught in negative mood condition. The argument stated above might be reasonable. Nonetheless, this argument is undoubted a frail. According to psychologist Ingrid Waldron and Sociologist Jerry Jacobs, working women who are bonded with works and family responsibilities are benefited emotionally and physically (Rivers, 1993). Emotional health refers to well being of ones overall psychological state in coping with different situations and difficulties in life (Helpguide, n.d). University of California Berkeley had reported that working women have good emotional state and have successfully managed their roles and responsibilities (Rivers, 1993). Another research finding in University of Michigan has proven that women who involve in working force has reduced levels of psychological distress compared to those who do not participate in working force, further study has shown that non-working women has higher possibility to develop chronic condition such as frustration and disillusionalisation (Rivers, 1993). Besides, employment improves a womans self-esteem. Self-esteem determines the way we communicate and value our thoughts and opinion when confronting others. It underpins our target to achieve something and reflects our integrity (Lancer, 2010). Rout, Cooper and Kerslake, (1997) said that employed women are exposed to multiple role involvement at work place and home. This means that they have more social roles and they are involved in broader social network to encounter different type of people. This indirectly boosts their self-esteem and confidence to talk to others by frequent practice when meeting others (Thomas, n.d.). On the other hand, unemployed women are only tied to singular focus which is at home and this restricts their opportunity in meeting others (Rout, Cooper, and Kerslake, 1997). In addition, challenging jobs in a career have positive impact on employees and this enhances their performances to get promoted than their counterparts (Granrose and Kaplan, 1996). In conclusion, job certainly will improvise womens self esteem and emotional health; this is a fact that cannot be denied since research has proven it by concrete and solid evidence and quotations related to this argument. 2.2 Second Argument Jobs Will Secure Working Women Financially Some naysayers oppose the statement that women should be allowed to work instead of staying at home. They refute that although women are employed, this will not ensure a security in family finance. They have asserted that men are the primary breadwinners who work and earn money to sustain the family; women on the other hand should only focus on their domestic role as homemaker (Smith, 2009). Besides, it is argued that if women are allowed to work and become the head of family, this will counter the fundamental concept of life which has been practiced since many centuries ago (Sinar Rohani Magazine, 2003). However, the argument claimed by the opponent is weak. Women nowadays are against the stereotype that women should be fully financial-dependent on their husband. More women are likely to emerge as breadwinners and believe that if they stay home they will not have enough family income or extra income, making it necessary for their husband to hold two jobs (Granrose C.S. and Kaplan E.E.). Apart from that, Research has also proven that women benefits from working as it absolutely help them financially. Chitracs, (2008) states that women gain access to work to contribute for their family in terms of finance. This is because they too can think and make wise decision to secure family financially to overcome inevitable financial problem in future. Working women help reduce pressure on their husband who is the sole wage earner and their husband clearly approve of their working outside the home (Granrose C.S. and Kaplan E.E.). If women are allowed to work, they can build the family wealth tog ether with their spouse. This in turn can combat financial crisis in times of rise and fall of economic stability. Thus, women should be allowed to work to be financially secured. The naysayers mentioned that women should rely on their husband as the sole breadwinner. Nevertheless, what about those single mothers? How they get their income? Job is a rescue for single mother who need to stand on their own feet to work for financial income to sustain the basic daily needs for their children and themselves (William J.C. 2010). Some marriages will not last forever and cases of divorce are no longer bizarre these days. Dilemma rises for women who fully depend on her husband. Hence, women should be allowed to work to ensure financial security for fear that their matrimony would end up in separation (Ortyl T. 2010). The statistic above illustrates the pattern of divorce case in United States from year 1940 to year 1997. From the statistics, it obviously shows that the number of divorce cases increase annually. Since year 1980, the divorce case seems fluctuating and the number of divorce case is predicted will keep rising in this 21st century. If this occurs, more women should be bewaring of financial matters and take an effective approach by participating in work field to avoid dire circumstances aftermath of divorce. Austen J, (2004) also mentioned that women should be allowed to work due the possibilities of their spouses facing disease or being fired. Besides, married women cannot avoid the fatality of their husband. This is why women are strongly encouraged to be allowed to work is spite of encountering such difficulties (Austen J. 2004). In short, women should be allowed to work as it will secure them financially. People who are against this viewpoint should accept this fact as it is strongly backed up by statistics and solid evidences. But for most women who, like me, came of age in the 90s, it comes down to dollars and cents, and the calculation is brutal. Because in most of the U.S. it is no longer possible to support a middle-class family on Dads income alone. This isnt a question of having enough cash to buy Game Boys and exotic trips. It is a question of having enough to buy the basics. (Tyagi A.W., 2004) (TIME, Why Women Have To Work) 3.0 Third Argument Women have Their Rights to Work Outside Notwithstanding the statement of women should be allowed to work instead of staying at home is robustly supported by first and second arguments, there are still some disapprove with the statement above. They argued that it is an essential cultural custom for women to stay at home and completely committed to her domestic responsibility as homemaker and parenting (Global Oneness, n.d). It further states womens role as mother is vital in nurturing their children with exemplary behavior and noble values, otherwise the stability of family institution will face shaky crisis (Croontz, n.d). Even so, the claims asserted by the opponents are weak. Not every ambitious woman wants to eschew careers in favour of family and do housecleaning all day long. Women are given the rights to associate in working field and certainly they can opt to work instead of being homemaker (Ramsook, 2006). Flory T.C. (2011) insisted that men and women are equal in their abilities and interest, thus women have the freedom to compete with others in workforce to succeed in life. Pyle, (1944) also states that government has reinforced various policies in employment to foster womens right and to eradicate gender inequality at work place. Thus, women should be allowed to work since their rights are retained holistically. ORourke M. (2006) mentioned that women who devote their time for childcare instead of working dwindle the quantity of female workers in workforce. This will disempower well-educated women to contribute to workforce and serve as significant role models for younger generations. Furthermore, she reminded us that employed women are not being self-centered instead of being full-time homemaker. This is because they have their right to work for social necessity and not only for personal fulfillment. Lauer, (2006) added that employed women do not push away her obligation to nurture her kids or neglecting her family, in fact they can carry out house chores even without maid. Sweat B. (2006) also asserted that men be supposed to be aware of their spouses right to work and participate in childcare and housecleaning to create a happy family. In sum, all the evidences and facts provided are complementary to the statement women should be allowed to work instead of staying at home. Various rights for working women were established to protect their well fare in workforce. Sexual discrimination is no longer a major problem for working women and they should invest themselves in workforce for they have given the choice. This research is well supported by strong arguments so women should be allowed to work instead of being regular homemakers. As long as the family and the myth of the family and the myth of maternity and the maternal instinct are not destroyed, no woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be very different and women should have the choice to work. (Beauvoir S.D. 1975) Conclusion Since centuries ago, people have being questioning what the distinctive role of women. In the past, women in the past were inferior to men in various aspects. However that does not halt women from showing the world they are stronger and more capable than they were many years ago. Women had strived hard to discard the biased stereotype of restriction of women to household responsibilities and duties. Outstanding women such as Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Russia the Great are excellent figur of s of women role models. As for this research, it examines and focuses on how people perceive the idea of women should be allowed to work instead of staying at home. In this modern era, people involved in labor force to gain monthly source of income for meeting daily necessities. Women are not exceptional too. In fact in America, the number of working women is escalating annually. They participate in work force for money to sustain family financially. However, women in this present day able to perceive beyond the benefits of working. Labour participation has helped them to feel a sense of achievement and pride apart from boosting their self-esteem and confidence. The society should discard their old mindset that women should stay at home instead of working. Women are capable of successfully achieving what men can do. Besides, it is a right for women to work and earn money as what men can do. Although they play multiple roles of being mother, wife, daughter, sister and nonetheless being worker, they are still able to manage their domestic duties and parenting. This research focuses on benefits gained by working women instead of being full-time homemaker. Hence, it is time that the public should grip to the statement that women should be allowed to work and support those independent women who want to make own living by working. Provided with strong arguments and evidences, the public should accept the fact that it is preferable for women to work and uncover their hidden potentials than sitting at home parenting and homemaking. 3.0 Recommendations It is time for the public to accept the fact that women should be allowed to work. Government and non-government organizations should establish interest to uncover the capabilities and potentials of women in work force. It is a wise way to instill value of independence among the women so they can stand on their own feet and bring up themselves and their family towards better standard of living in this rapid growing of modern life. The employers should put aside their inequality towards women and provide them the rights which encourage them to participate in work force and strive to eradicate the stereotype that they are weaker sex and unable to achieve accomplishment. Womens discrimination should be exterminated to ensure they achieve their rights in working life. The readers should probe at this research and keep carry out this research to unlock more evidence and facts why women should be allowed to work instead of being homemaker. This is crucial as publics perspective on working women can be enhanced and to urge the younger generation to fight for womens right and freedom.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The World Is Not Enough Essay -- essays research papers
"The World Is Not Enough" is a great action-adventure movie with exciting stunt scenes, exotic locations, beautiful women and traditional Bond one-liners. Pierce Brosnan carries on the role of the world’s most famous secret agent, James Bond in which was established by Sean Connery in 1962’s "Doctor No". Since it is also the 19th installment to the longest running film series in history, comparing this one to the older movies is like comparing one athlete to another. But hey, I guess that’s the fun of it all.To get more in depth of the film, let’s see if the traditional Bond trademarks live up to their roles.1. Bond†¦James Bond. Pierce Brosnan, in his third appearance as agent 007, has become comfortable in his role and plays it with confidence. He’s now more understanding and has added a more sensitive side, but also a harder side to the role that Sean Connery had as Bond and what Timothy Dalton attempted to achieve. For example, in the scene between Bond and "M", "M" tells Bond the story behind the kidnapping of King’s daughter, Elektra and the reasons for why MI6 was involved. The example of the harder side is near the end when Bond confronts Elektra for the last time and orders her to call off Renard from carrying out his plans. She doesn’t do so; therefore, Bond shoots her in the chest and killing her. Some may argue that this is something that James Bond shouldn’t do since Elektra was unarmed, but I beg to differ because that is part of the mission. In 1971’s "Diamonds Are Forever" Connery’s Bond slapped Tiffany Case (played by Jill St. John) across the face to get her to tell him information.2. Who would ever thought that "Q", the inventor of all of James Bond’s gadgets is retiring. Desmond Llewelyn has played the character in all the Bond films for the exception of "Doctor No" in 1962 and "Live and Let Die" in 1973. After demonstrating his lasted invention to 007, Llewelyn drops out of sight by a sinking platform. I guess that was his way of saying goodbye.3. Well, who could replace "Q"? John Cleese makes his debut to the series as "R", the replacement for "Q". Although "R" is very precise, he doesn’t use the correct terms for his inventions like "Q" did.4. Judi Dench is also back as Bond’s boss and head of the Bri...". I enjoyed watching the stunts that were in the film. The boat scene during the opening sequence was fantastic and reminding James Bond fans of the boat scenes of in "From Russia with Love", "Live and Let Die" and "Moonraker". The ski chase reminded me of "On Her Majesty’s Secret Service" when James Bond and Traci Draco were skiing for their lives down the Swiss Mountains. I liked the way the writers added the title of the movie into the script. When Elektra tells Bond that she could have given him the world, Bond responds, "The world is not enough" then he says that it’s a "family motto". Bond was referring to his family coat of arms that was translated to him in the 1969 movie "On Her Majesty’s Secret Service". And finally the music scores. David Arnold, who was the composer for "Tomorrow Never Dies" comes back again with an excellent sounds and adding a techno or a retro theme to James Bond. "The World Is Not Enough" is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of action violence, some sexuality, sexual innuendo and old school elements for true James Bond fans. Running time 128 minutes.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Marriage and Aunt Jennifer Essay
Adrienne Rich’s poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ is about how Aunt Jennifer is becoming fragile and potentially old, but Rich used the idea of Aunt Jennifer’s tapestry and the tigers as some form of release, as the poem suggests that she is tightly governed by her husband. The phrases ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’ and ‘sits heavily’. Later on in the poem, in the last stanza, Rich uses the ring as a metaphor again, ‘still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by’. By using the word ‘ringed’, he enforces the idea that Aunt Jennifer is trapped, almost binded to a certain way of life because of her marriage to that particular man. ‘A Marriage’, by Carol Rumens is a rather confusing poem at first, but the more times you read it, the more you understand the poem, and begin to develop some ideas on who is speaking and the situation they are in. The husband in the marriage seems to be away a lot, but his wife does not seem to mind. She is the stereotypical housewife, and feels content just washing and cleaning the family home. There is a sense of self contained togetherness in the second stanza, where the persona speaks about ‘a picture of marriage as a whole small civilisation’. On the surface, it sounds like a perfect marriage. The children also seemed to be of the sensible sort; they had their teenage years and went away, and now they come back, presumably because they liked it at the home. The marriage is described as traditional, as the couple seem to be ‘trusting the old rules’, hoping they will keep the relationship together. The husband’s ego seems to be growing however, and is putting a strain on the relationship between the husband and the persona. The persona doesn’t like how the husband treats his wife; she may potentially be his mistress and also be jealous.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Harry Potter Controversy About Banning the Books
Harry Potter Controversy About Banning the Books The Harry Potter controversy has gone on, in one form or another, for years, particularly before the series ended. On one side of the Harry Potter controversy are those who say that J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter books are wonderful fantasy novels with powerful messages for kids and the ability to make even reluctant readers eager readers. On the opposing end are those who say that the Harry Potter books are evil books designed to promote an interest in the occult, since Harry Potter, the hero of the series, is a wizard. In a number of states, there have been attempts, some successful and some unsuccessful, to have the Harry Potter books banned in classrooms, and banned or under severe restrictions in school libraries. For example, in Gwinnett County, Georgia, a parent challenged the Harry Potter books on the grounds that they promoted witchcraft. When school officials ruled against her, she went to the State Board of Education. When the BOE confirmed the right of local school officials to make such decisions, she took her battle against the books to court. Although the judge ruled against her, she indicated she might continue her fight against the series. As a result of all the attempts to ban the Harry Potter books, those in favor of the series also began speaking out. kidSPEAK Speaks Out American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, the Association of American Publishers, the Association of Booksellers for Children, the Childrens Book Council, the Freedom to Read Foundation, the National Coalition Against Censorship, the National Council of Teachers of English, the PEN American Center, and the People for the American Way Foundation. What do these groups have in common? They were all sponsors of kidSPEAK!, which was initially called Muggles for Harry Potter (because in the Harry Potter series, a Muggle is a non-magical person). The organization was dedicated to helping kids with their First Amendment rights. The group was most active in the early 2000s when the Harry Potter controversy was at its height. Challenges and Support for the Harry Potter Series There have been challenges in more than a dozen states. The Harry Potter books were number seven on the American Library Associations list of the 100 most frequently challenged books of 1990-2000, and they were number one on the ALAs Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009. The End of the Series Generates New Views With the publication of the seventh and final book in the series, some people began to look back over the entire series and wonder if it might not be a Christian allegory. In his three-part article, Harry Potter: Christian Allegory or Occultist Children’s Books? reviewer Aaron Mead suggests that Christian parents should enjoy the Harry Potter stories but focus on their theological symbolism and message. Whether or not you share the view that it is wrong to censor the Harry Potter books, they have value by giving parents and teachers the opportunity offered by the series to increase their childrens interest in reading and writing and use the books to promote family discussions about issues that might otherwise not be discussed. Reading all the books in the series will allow you to make an informed decision about the Harry Potter books for your children. Participate in Banned Books Week activities, educate yourself about your communitys and school districts policies, and speak out as needed. More About Book Banning and Censorship All About Book Banning and Childrens BooksKids Book Censorship: The Who and WhyFrequently Challenged Books of the 21st Century
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Learn More About the History of the United States Postal Service
Learn More About the History of the United States Postal Service On July 26, 1775, members of the Second Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, agreed . . . that a Postmaster General be appointed for the United States, who shall hold his office at Philadelphia, and shall be allowed a salary of 1,000 dollars per annum . . . . That simple statement signaled the birth of the Post Office Department, the predecessor of the United States Postal Service and the second oldest department or agency of the present United States of America. Colonial TimesIn early colonial times, correspondents depended on friends, merchants, and Native Americans to carry messages between the colonies. However, most correspondence ran between the colonists and England, their mother country. It was largelyto handle this mail that, in 1639, the first official notice of a postal service in the colonies appeared. The General Court of Massachusetts designated Richard Fairbanks tavern in Boston as the official repository of mail brought from or sent overseas, in line with the practice in England and other nations to use coffee houses and taverns as mail drops. Local authorities operated post routes within the colonies. Then, in 1673, Governor Francis Lovelace of New York set up a monthly post between New York and Boston. The service was of short duration, but the post riders trail became known as the Old Boston Post Road, part of todays U.S. Route 1. William Penn established Pennsylvanias first post office in 1683. In the South, private messengers, usually slaves, connected the huge plantations; a hog head of tobacco was the penalty for failing to relay mail to the next plantation. Central postal organization came to the colonies only after 1691 when Thomas Neale received a 21-year grant from the British Crown for a North American postal service. Neale never visited America. Instead, he appointed Governor Andrew Hamilton of New Jersey as his Deputy Postmaster General. Neales franchise cost him only 80 cents a year but was no bargain; he died heavily in debt, in 1699, after assigning his interests in America to Andrew Hamilton and another Englishman, R. West. In 1707, the British Government bought the rights to the North American postal service from West and the widow of Andrew Hamilton. It then appointed John Hamilton, Andrews son, as Deputy Postmaster General of America. He served until 1721 when he was succeeded by John Lloyd of Charleston, South Carolina. In 1730, Alexander Spotswood, a former lieutenant governor of Virginia, became Deputy Postmaster General for America. His most notable achievement probably was the appointment of Benjamin Franklin as postmaster of Philadelphia in 1737. Franklin was only 31 years old at the time, the struggling printer and publisher of The Pennsylvania Gazette. Later he would become one of the most popular men of his age. Two other Virginians succeeded Spotswood: Head Lynch in 1739 and Elliot Benger in 1743. When Benger died in 1753, Franklin and William Hunter, postmaster of Williamsburg, Virginia, were appointed by the Crown as Joint Postmasters General for the colonies. Hunter died in 1761, and John Foxcroft of New York succeeded him, serving until the outbreak of the Revolution. During his time as a Joint Postmaster General for the Crown, Franklin effected many important and lasting improvements in the colonial posts. He immediately began to reorganize the service, setting out on a long tour to inspect post offices in the North and others as far south as Virginia. New surveys were made, milestones were placed on principal roads, and new and shorter routes laid out. For the first time, post riders carried mail at night between Philadelphia and New York, with the travel time shortened by at least half. In 1760, Franklin reported a surplus to the British Postmaster General , a first for the postal service in North America. When Franklin left office, post roads operated from Maine to Florida and from New York to Canada, and mail between the colonies and the mother country operated on a regular schedule, with posted times. In addition, to regulate post offices and audit accounts, the position of surveyor was created in 1772; this is considered the precursor of todays Postal Inspection Service. By 1774, however, the colonists viewed the royal post office with suspicion. Franklin was dismissed by the Crown for actions sympathetic to the cause of the colonies. Shortly after, William Goddard, a printer and newspaper publisher (whose father had been postmaster of New London, Connecticut, under Franklin) set up a Constitutional Post for inter-colonial mail service. Colonies funded it by subscription, and net revenues were to be used to improve the postal service rather than to be paid back to the subscribers. By 1775, when the Continental Congress met at Philadelphia, Goddards colonial post was flourishing, and 30 post offices operated between Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Williamsburg. Continental Congress After the Boston riots in September 1774, the colonies began to separate from the mother country. A Continental Congress was organized at Philadelphia in May 1775 to establish an independent government. One of the first questions before the delegates was how to convey and deliver the mail. Benjamin Franklin, newly returned from England, was appointed chairman of a Committee of Investigation to establish a postal system. The report of the Committee, providing for the appointment of a postmaster general for the 13 American colonies, was considered by the Continental Congress on July 25 and 26. On July 26, 1775, Franklin was appointed Postmaster General, the first appointed under the Continental Congress; the establishment of the organization that became the United States Postal Service nearly two centuries later traces back to this date. Richard Bache, Franklins son-in-law, was named Comptroller, and William Goddard was appointed Surveyor. Franklin served until November 7, 1776. Americas present Postal Service descends in an unbroken line from the system he planned and placed in operation, and history rightfully accords him major credit for establishing the basis of the postal service that has performed magnificently for the American people. Article IX of the Articles of Confederation, ratified in 1781, gave Congress The sole and exclusive right and power . . . establishing and regulating post offices from one State to another . . . and exacting such postage on papers passing through the same as may be requisite to defray the expenses of the said office . . . . The first three Postmasters GeneralBenjamin Franklin, Richard Bache, and Ebenezer Hazardwere appointed by, and reported to, Congress. Postal laws and regulations were revised and codified in the Ordinance of October 18, 1782. The Post Office Department Following the adoption of the Constitution in May 1789, the Act of September 22, 1789 (1 Stat. 70), temporarily established a post office and created the Office of the Postmaster General. On September 26, 1789, George Washington appointed Samuel Osgood of Massachusetts as the first Postmaster General under the Constitution. At that time there were 75 post offices and about 2,000 miles of post roads, although as late as 1780 the postal staff consisted only of a Postmaster General, a Secretary/Comptroller, three surveyors, one Inspector of Dead Letters, and 26 post riders. The Postal Service was temporarily continued by the Act of August 4, 1790 (1 Stat. 178), and the Act of March 3, 1791 (1 Stat. 218). The Act of February 20, 1792, made detailed provisions for the Post Office. Subsequent legislation enlarged the duties of the Post Office, strengthened and unified its organization, and provided rules and regulations for its development. Philadelphia was the seat of government and postal headquarters until 1800. When the Post Office moved to Washington, D.C., in that year, officials were able to carry all postal records, furniture, and supplies in two horse-drawn wagons. In 1829, upon the invitation of President Andrew Jackson, William T. Barry of Kentucky became the first Postmaster General to sit as a member of the Presidents Cabinet. His predecessor, John McLean of Ohio, began referring to the Post Office, or General Post Office as it was sometimes called, as the Post Office Department, but it was not specifically established as an executive department by Congress until June 8, 1872. Around this period, in 1830, an Office of Instructions and Mail Depredations was established as the investigative and inspection branch of the Post Office Department. The head of that office, P. S. Loughborough, is considered the first Chief Postal Inspector.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
International Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
International Financial Management - Essay Example Therefore it can be said that Nokia is responsible for rapid growth in cellular communication and is a pioneer in this field. These four groups are serviced by two other horizontal groups, which are Customer and Market Operations and Technology Platforms. These groups are further supported by various other groups and teams centered mostly in headquarters, related with corporation functions. From 2008 onwards however, three different groups involved in mobile device business and their respective horizontal groups have been integrated into a single unit and named Devices & Services. The main reason for this integration is to increase horizontal integration across the company. Another important aspect of Nokia’s business model is its sales and customer services units. These units are dispersed across more than 150 countries. There are ten different factories across nine countries involved in cell phone manufacturing operated by Nokia. Some models are outsourced to various contractors as well. Nokia is controlled by a group executive board which is responsible for its operative management. The appointments on group executive board in turn are made by the Board of Directors. The Group Executive board currently has eleven members. In line with its long term vision of flexibility and innovation Nokia has recently decided to bring central changes to its management structure. The move is not only marked by a management strategy but a major change in business strategy as well. As mentioned earlier mobile phone market is saturated with many different players such as Apple, Samsung, and Philips etc in tough competition. Therefore Nokia’s group executive board has decided to shift its focus towards making Nokia an internet company. The management structure will therefore be changed into three main units i.e. devices, software and services and markets. The main focus of Nokia’s corporate governance strategy
Friday, November 1, 2019
Financial Accounting Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Financial Accounting Theories - Essay Example ..that are taken for granted in current accounting research". Political Economy Theory (PET) is divisable into two broad streams of thinking. One being the Classical Political Economy Theory, the other, Bourgeois Political Economy Theory. For the purpose of this writing the Classical Approach will be the main focus. Classical Political Economy Theory follows the basic ideas of P.E.T, but goes further in its bid to highlight and scrutinise structural conflicts and inadequacies within society. The followers of the Classical approach are of the strong opinion that within society even in these modern and seemingly liberal times, a class divide is still very apparent. This theory is based around the works of such philosophers as Karl Marx and therefore opposes the very basis of the Capitalist system. In the writing of Howieson (2006) it is stated that "a Classical Political Economy places structural conflict, inequality and the role of the state at the heart of the analysis". The Critical Perspective is a branch of the Classical Political Economy Theory. ... Critical theorists do not simply question which methods of accounting should be used, instead they investigate the role accounting as an entity takes within society and cast doubt upon the very underpinnings of the profession. In order to understand the critical theorist's view of unregulated corporate disclosures, the bigger picture of their theory must be investigated. The basis for most of the Critical theorists judgements is based upon the idea that "most rights, opportunities and associated power resides in a small (but perhaps well defined) elite," Deegan (2000). They believe that power is not spread evenly throughout society and is not something one can easily acquire but is instead controlled by this so-called "elite". Included in these elite are those who are already in power and who use this power to remain in such a position while also keeping those without power in a position where they will not be able to achieve power. The Critical view is that these elite will inevitably wish for their own good to maintain the status quo, which is already in existence and is to their benefit. If these powerful individuals were to work towards giving more opportunities to those without power it would decrease their own power level, and, in effect, their social standing. The only people who would benefit from the radical reforms, which would be entailed in the re-distribution of power throughout the various social levels, are those who do not have the ability to bring about those changes. The elite comprises of, the state, those who hold a large capital share in the economy, accountants, accounting researchers, large corporations etc. These groups of powerful people may seem very separate, but, are in fact interlinked in their control of power
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